कानूनको बिषयमा रुची हुने सबैलाई यो ब्लगमा स्वागत छ, नियमित रुपमा यो ब्लग हेर्न र आवश्यक देखीएको सल्लाह, सुझाव प्रतिकृया दिई सहभागीता जनाउन तपाईंहरु समक्ष हार्दिक अनुरोध छ।

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Rule of Law Initiative

American Bar Association (ABA) has a public service initiative called Rule of Law which seeks to promote rule of law as a solution to the worldwide problems of poverty and conflicts. Currently this program is helping regions of Asia, Africa, South America and some parts of Europe. Started in 1991 with its European program, ROL has been providing assistance in drafting anti-corruption action plans and training law enforcement with tools necessary to combat crimes such as money laundering and human trafficking. Human rights promotion is also high on agenda for ROL.

To read about their good work please visit http://www.abanet.org/rol/news/news-mainpage.shtml

You can also subscribe a regular newsletter from the same link.

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